Mẹo Which of the following metasearch engines uses visual search results and animated links?
Mẹo Hướng dẫn Which of the following metasearch engines uses visual search results and animated links? 2022
Dương Anh Tuấn đang tìm kiếm từ khóa Which of the following metasearch engines uses visual search results and animated links? được Cập Nhật vào lúc : 2022-11-02 01:24:02 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Kinh Nghiệm Hướng dẫn trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi đọc Post vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại phản hồi ở cuối bài để Ad lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.What is the Internet?
Computers connected together are called a network; networks allow computers to share information. The internet is a global network of computers with the ability to connect to any other computers for the exchange of information. Millions of people worldwide have access to the internet and all the services it provides.
Nội dung chính Show- What is the Internet?What do we use it for?How does it work?Internet ServicesThe World Wide Web (WWW)Intranet ServicesHow does WWW work?Exercise Internet ProtocolsIP and DNS AddressesThe URL (web address)Exercise What is Broadband?Connecting with BroadbandExercise Threats on the internetAdware, spyware and key loggersExercise Security on the
internetPreventing the NastiesThe Impact of The Internet Use In OrganisationsAdvantages of using the InternetCompany Websites24-hour AccessUse of MultimediaWorking offsiteCollaborative workLimitations of the InternetReliability and validity of information on the InternetStaff time spent on the InternetPersonal UseExercise Legal, Ethical and Organisational IssuesLegal IssuesUnsolicited Electronic Message Act 2007Steps for ensuring compliance with the Unsolicited Electronic Messages ActCopyright Act 1994Official Information Act 1982Privacy Act 1993Protected Disclosures Act 2000Exercise Using the Internet to Access InformationSearch EnginesGoogle trang chủ PageGoogle Search Tips & TricksGoogle Image SearchAdvanced Google SearchBoolean SearchingMeta Search EnginesCollating and presenting information from a search Saving a WebpagePrint preview and printing pagesExercise Is a way for you to organize and share links to Web sites and other online resources?Is a web based resource that helps you find specific information on the Web?Is a computer that provides services upon request from another computer?What provides a secure encrypted connection between remote users and local area networks?
The internet was developed in the United States of America by the US Military, even though developed by the US Military the internet is not controlled or owned by any one group. Everyone who uses the internet is responsible for their own actions and safety. The internet is author-driven, meaning information on the internet is created by those groups who that information is of interest to.

What do we use it for?
- The World Wide WebEmail CommunicationBloggingNews GroupsChat & Internet Messages
- Social NetworkingOnline TradingInformation GatheringDownloadingEntertainment
- Internet GamingTourism &TravelBankingEmploymentShopping
How does it work?
The internet is known as a client-server system. Your computer is the client; the remote computer that stores electronic files is the server.
Internet Services
The World Wide Web (WWW)
Most users confuse the Internet with the World Wide Web (WWW). Even though the Internet was developed in the 1970s, the World Wide Web did not exist until the early 1990s, when Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) and the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) were developed, allowing HTML or “web pages" to be displayed by any type of computer with a web browser program installed and the HTTP protocol enabled.
The Internet relies on a number of protocols in order to function properly. A protocol is simply a standard for enabling the connection, communication, and data transfer between two places on a network.
The Internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks.
The World Wide Web is the set of protocols (HTTP, HTML, etc) that allow anyone with a computer, an Internet connection and web browser software to view web sites presenting text, graphics, audio and video. This linking of HTML documents on computers all over the internet, each containing pointers (hyperlinks) to other HTML documents on other computers is where the term "web" came from.
A hypertext link or hyperlink can be text or a picture on a Web page. When a link is a piece of text, it's usually underlined and shown in a different colour.
Intranet Services
An intranet is an internal network often used in a secured business environment, which uses protocols like the Internet, but operates on a LAN (local area network). If the LAN provides access to the Internet, the intranet resides behind a firewall, with no gateway to, or from the Internet.
An intranet can be as basic or comprehensive as need dictates. Following are some general examples of information or processes that might be available on an intranet to serve various departments.
Examples of Intranet uses:
Large Organisation: Will use an intranet for storing company policies, staff information, staff contact details, staff resources and any other documents or information that is important to the operation of the organisation.
Move your mouse over the hyperlink below to see the cursor change to a hand and the text change color.
How does WWW work?
- Client (you) key's an address e.g. ://www.op.ac.nz into your web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer)
- Uses HTTP (the set of protocols or rules that allow anyone with a computer, an Internet connection and web browser software to view web sites) To contact the computer (the server) where the page you want to view is stored
- The server accepts the connection with the client, identifies the URL (web page or web address) that the client wants and sends the requested page back to the client (your computer).
Download and print the file below and complete the exercise.
Internet Protocols
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is
the dominant language or protocol for computers to 'speak' to one another.
This information is packaged into small pieces of data called 'packets' and is then sent to the client computer or user.
IP and DNS Addresses
The IP Address is a number which identifies the location of a web surfer on the Internet. In theory this is a unique number which can be used to identify separate visitors.
The DNS Address is a Domain Name System for computers, services, or any resource connected to the internet or a private network . An often-used analogy to explain the Domain Name System is that it serves as the 'phonebook' for the Internet by translating human-friendly computer host names into IP addresses.
The URL (web address)
Every web site has its own “address” on the Internet. The address is known as a Uniform Resource Locator or URL. If you don’t know the URL (or web address) of the web site you want to visit, or you don’t even know what web sites might contain the information you are looking for, you need to use a search engine instead e.g. Google or Yahoo.
Search engines index millions of pages on the World Wide Web and search the indexes to find pages that match the keywords you type into the search box. (Search engines explained further down page)
Websites with https:// usually represents a website that is secure.
Just some of the categories of domains:
- .co.nz.govt.nz.ac.nz.org.nz.co.uk.co.au.com.edu
- New Zealand commercial domainNew Zealand government domainNew Zealand academic domain (polytechnic or university)New Zealand non profit organisation domainUnited Kingdom commercial domainAustralian commercial domainUnited States commercial domainUnited States academic domain (school or college)
Download and print the file below and complete the exercise.
Plug-ins are software modules that add to the functionality of an application. Many applications use plug-ins, including Photoshop, and web browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer.
Plug-ins can have many different functions. Web browsers typically use plug-ins to expand the range of formats they can display (e.g., Acrobat documents, QuickTime or Adobe Flash content). When the web browser encounters a format it doesn't support, it looks for a plug-in that does. A plug-in can launch its own viewer, appear within a browser window, appear in an embedded frame (within a window that may also contain HTML), or run in the background. Plug-ins work in similar ways with other kinds of programs.
How you install a plug-in depends on both the parent application and the plug-in itself. In many cases the Plug in will install automatically.
The advantages of installing plug-ins is to allow other applications to run in conjunction with your web browse. Letting you view files, videos or other animations.
What is Broadband?
Broadband is often called "high-speed" access to the Internet. Any connection to the customer of 256 kbit/s (0.25 Mbit/s) or greater is concisely considered broadband Internet access. A broadband connection is continuous. It can only be affected if you have multiple adapters on your phone line or if your modem becomes disconnected.
Connecting with Broadband
To connect to the Internet with a dialup service you need:
- A computer A telephone line A internal or external modem Communication software (dial up networking), which is part of the Windows or Mac operating system
An Internet Service Provider (ISP) - eg Xtra, Paradise, Orcon, Clear, Ihug etc. Web Browser software e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator or Opera
Download and print the file below and complete the exercise.
Threats on the internet
Threats on the internet is one of the
largest growing issues when dealing with the internet. Due to the ability of computers to link to one another via the internet this allows for users to develop intrusive and damaging programs known as viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware and malware.
A virus is a piece of code that attaches itself to a program or file so it can spread from computer to computer. They can also try to damage your software, your hardware, and your files.
Just as human viruses range in severity from Ebola to the 24-hour flu, computer viruses range from the mildly bothersome to the downright destructive. The good news is that someone has to share the file or send an e-mail in order to continue the infection.
Worms replicate themselves but don't attach to other programs as viruses do. The most common form is called a mass mailing worm, which uses email attachments to spread from one computer
to another. When the user opens an attachment it scans your computer for email addresses and then emails itself to the addresses. This is one of the reasons why you only open emails and attachments from known sources.
Trojans inherit their name from the Trojan horse of Greek mythology in which the Greek army left a wooden horse as a gift to the Trojans, hiding troops inside the horse as it was taken to Troy. The Greeks jumped
out and captured the city, ending the long siege. Like the namesake, a Trojan horse program often appears to do something useful, or entertaining, but when the program is run it may destroy files or create a "back door" entry point that enables the intruder to access your system.
View the video below for a visual animation of what virus, worms and Trojans can do.
Note: There is no sound for this video
Adware, spyware and key loggers
There are many sites advertising không lấy phí software all over the Internet. A large number of these "không lấy phí" programs are known as "adware". They contain hidden software that transmits user information via the Internet to advertisers in exchange for the không lấy phí use of the software.
Most Ad bots or spyware programs DON'T collect specific information about you, but only report general demographics, and therefore are NOT stealing your name, credit card, or other personal information.
In its most dangerous form, spyware may install a "key logger" onto your computer. The key logger is hidden on your system and records everything you type on the keyboard. With a key logger active on your system, your security and privacy are severely compromised because it is recording your user name and passwords.
Getting rid of Adware and Spyware from your computer:
Adware and spyware can be found and removed by installing and running software such as Adware, SpyBot S&D (search & destroy), Spy on This, Pest Patrol, Microsoft Defender and Spy Sweeper. The Microsoft software is không lấy phí to Windows 2000 and XP users (it won't install on Windows 98 or ME)) and the Adware SE, Spybot S& D and Spy have không lấy phí versions. The paid versions are better, but the không lấy phí
versions will find most pests. To find anti adware and spyware software simply Google search Adware & Spyware removal.
Many spam emails contain Web bugs; these are invisible graphics containing tracking code designed for the same purposes as spyware. Additionally the amount of spam and the frustration of having to giảm giá with it may lead users to behave with less than usual suspicion, and for that reason it can be used to deliver a virus, spyware or phishing scams.
To manage spam: Don't open spam email, or email from people you do not know.
Get a không lấy phí web-based email address from sites like Mail.com, Yahoo or Lycos mail, Gmail, and use it when you sign up for Web sites or fill in forms online. Make sure when you sign up for không lấy phí email, that you don’t agree to have your address shared with other parties.
Phishers attempt to steal bank account and credit card numbers, PINs and site passwords by asking you to click a link in an email. The email looks genuine with official looking logos and content. The message is something like "we have a security problem", or "we are upgrading our software" and asks you to go to the site and “enter your account details for checking, otherwise you may lose the ability to log-in to your Internet banking service”.
The site a phishing email link will take you to is not the real thing, even though it will look real enough. Any details you provide may be used to access your bank or credit card account.
Your bank will never ask you to enter details such as passwords or PIN numbers in an email or on a web page, over the Internet, or over the phone. If they have a problem they will contact you and ask you to come to the bank in person.
To avoid phishing scams:
- Never click on links in email you receive from an unknown source. Never click on links from a known source seeking financial or sensitive information. Never use the telephone number that might be included in the email message – this could be a scam too! If you have any doubt whatsoever about an email apparently from your bank or
other financial institution, phone someone the bank to check.
Download and print the file below and complete the exercise.
Security on the internet
Preventing the Nasties
Although they are all different, viruses, worms and Trojans are often grouped together under the name virus. An antivirus program scans for all of these.
The main thing to insure is that your computer is protected. If you choose a không lấy phí anti-virus program this is better then none all, however paid anti-virus software is more effective. Anti-virus is usually purchased on a
yearly basis, this means you need to pay to re-new your anti virus subscriptions yearly. Many paid anti virus software companies offer a không lấy phí version also, some examples are:
Avira Anti Virus
Avarst Anti Virus
AVG Anti Virus
Kaspersky Internet Security
There are several steps you can take to protect your computer:
Set your antivirus program to "auto update", then it will check for updates when you go online. There are usually updates available every day.
Schedule your antivirus program to scan your system least weekly.
Use a non Microsoft email program. Many viruses and worms are written specifically to exploit loopholes in Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook. Alternatives include Thunderbird (www.mozilla.org) and Eudora (www.eudora.com).
Switch off the preview pane that allows you to view email beneath or beside the list of received email. Some malicious scripts can run when you preview the email and infect your system before you can do anything. To switch off the Preview Pane in Outlook Express, click View Menu > Layout, remove the tick beside Preview Pane and click OK.
Treat attachments with caution; never open an email attachment from someone you don't know, and even if you do know the sender, if you weren’t expecting it, contact the sender to verify that they sent it.
Don't open attachments directly from your email program; save it to your desktop or a specific thư mục where you can right click on the attachment file and select "scan for viruses" before opening it.
Scan floppy disks, CDS, memory cards and USB keys if you are transferring files from one computer to another. Even CDs can contain viruses.
Antivirus software is a computer program that detects, prevents, and takes action to disarm or remove malicious software programs, such as viruses and worms. You can help protect your computer against viruses by using antivirus software, such as: Nortons, McAfee, Sophos, Avarst and many more.
View the below video of how an antivirus program works
Please place headphones on
Check Volume
A firewall is an essential computer program to protect you whenever you’re connected to the Internet. It checks incoming and outgoing communications between your computer and the Internet and prevents any unauthorised activity by spyware and key loggers.
Please place headphones on
Check Volume
© Cisco's Jimmy Ray Purser
Firewall software/hardware does not replace the need for good computer security. Security is about prevention and detection of a variety of threats, something that will not be achieved by one product.
Download and print the file below and complete the exercise.
The Impact of The Internet Use In Organisations
Using the internet within organisations provides many benefits to the organisation itself, its employees and its customers. However there are also pitfalls and limitations that must be considered when using
the internet in an organisation.
Advantages of using the Internet
- Through the use of the internet businesses and organisations are able to quickly access information that in the past would have required written letters or phone calls, that would take a greater period of time to gain the information.
Many businesses have high speed broadband connections, this allows for fast tải về and upload of data e.g. video, audio, graphic and text. The ability to tải về and upload data for transferring information greatly reduces the costs of postage and printing.
The Internet is also becoming a marketplace for both selling goods and keeping in touch with customers or potential customers.
Company Websites
Many businesses use a website to promote their services or products. Websites have transformed into an interactive online marketplace. Some businesses
allow their users to view online catalogues, purchase goods online (E-commerce), contact the company, tải về information and more.
E-commerce in is online shopping. A company's website is to allow customers to purchase and order products and services online to be delivered to their house to business. This addition to a physical store can increase a companies customer base substantially . Some businesses operate solely on the internet for example:
www.fishpond.co.nz - Online Bookstore
www.thenappystore.co.nz - Online seller of discounted baby goods
With the reliability, reputation and security of online shopping increasing, numbers of individuals and organisations are enjoying the benefits of shopping online. These benefits include the
ability to buy products without venturing out of the house; access to products in other locations - nationally and internationally; the ability to compare brands and prices without driving between shops; and convenience of having products delivered straight to your door.
24-hour Access
A key advantage of the internet is the ability to access information 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week. This is beneficial to both customers and
organisations, allowing customers to shop and seek advice or service and allowing organisations to gain information any point in time regardless of working hours.
Use of Multimedia
The use of multimedia via the internet combines the advantages of previous types of communication (written, phone calls, fax, television, radio etc). Multimedia allows organisations to target multiple senses through the use of text, graphics, animation sound and video.
Advantages of multimedia via the internet
- Potential audience: The potential audience consists of every user on the internet, through their computer or mobile device.
- Access: It is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Cost: The actual cost is low compared to other forms of marketing and advertising.
Working offsite
Employees are able to work from home and in certain industries in areas that were originally impossible to communicate with. For example a Department of Conservation (DOC) researcher is able to take samples in the field and send the results back to the main office via the internet. Previously there would have been delays due to travelling back to the office for the data to be analysed .
John Gollan © Australian Museum
Collaborative work
In the past the only way to work collaboratively would be to meet in a group setting. E-Mail means that documents, spreadsheets and other information can be quickly and easily shared. Video conferencing, instant messaging and other internet tools allows people to communicate with other people anywhere in the world, any time, and with very low cost. Businesses are able to use video conferencing or web based alternatives
like Skype to communicate with clients and video conferencing is also becoming widely used for job interviews.
Download and print the file below and complete the exercise.
Limitations of the Internet
Because the internet is an international public domain, the businesses major concern is around the security of their information. When organisations choose to send information via the internet there is always a risk that the information will be intercepted and used by someone other than the internet user. The term 'hackers' and 'crackers' refers to people who attempt to intercept or break into others information or computer systems over the internet.
Modern security measures are available
to reduce the risk of security breaches. Encryption is a way to code information so that it cannot be understood if it mistakenly or purposely enters the possession of anyone who it is not intended for. Sensitive information such as customer details, financial information, credit card details etc can be encoded for electronic transfer.
Reliability and validity of information on the Internet
With the Internet being an open ground for any individual or organisation to publish information, this can lead to questions of validity, accuracy, reliability of the information. It is very easy for anyone to publish information that is one sided, or incorrect.
Identifying authoritative sources
One of the difficulties facing anyone using the internet is can the information be counted on to be valid, accurate and reliable.
Remember that the internet is author driven, this means that anyone with
enough computer knowledge can access the internet and upload information onto it.
Ways to determine Reliability and Validity
Check the url, if it contains GOVT or EDU in the domain then it is more likely to be reliable and valid
Check the website for the date it was last update usually the bottom on the webpage
Check the contact us page more reliable pages will allow communication with the
Staff time spent on the Internet
The internet can be a great time saver for organisations, but can also be an enticing time waster for employees. Due to the huge range of services available on the internet, this can quickly reduce the productivity of the employees. Organisations have an internet policy that will either limit websites that can be viewed or limit the time that employees can surf the web. Sites like
Meta, TradeMe, Amazon and many more are popular sites that draw employees attention away from their work. All employees should be made aware of the internet policy of the organisation.
Many medium and large organisations use software programs that monitor their employees' use of the internet, including how much time is spent, how much information is downloaded and what sites are visited. Another option for organisations are safety filters that screen incoming and
outgoing traffic, preventing access to sites that are potentially harmful or irrelevant to the organisations needs.
With email becoming an essential communication tool, the issues of employees receiving hundreds of emails a day arise. This overload of communication can influence the productivity of an employee.
Personal Use
When an organisation offers the internet as a resource to employees, then the issue of personal use arises. It is estimated that 30% to 40% of all employees use the internet for non work related tasks. The implication of this for the organisation is a major downfall in productivity. Personal use on the internet can lead to serious implications for an organisation. The use of non work related applications can have a detrimental effect on an organisation, to access data, corrupt data & systems. Organisations should have securities in place to reduce the amount of personal internet usage occurring within an organisation.
Personal Safety
Personal safety is another important issue with the use of internet in an organisation. This can be the case with peer-to-peer networking; this system allows colleagues to share information from multiple computers. This can however result in unintentional sharing of personal files, for example financial records, sensitive documents or personal data. This can lead to fraud and even identity theft. Organisations can reduce this possibility by restricting access to P2P systems and other file sharing applications. Providing internet safety education to staff members would also be an effective way to reduce the negative effects of the internet.
Download and print the file below and complete the exercise.
Legal, Ethical and Organisational Issues
Organisations should make sure that the information of employees and customers is handled with care and integrity. All organisations are subject to a number of New Zealand laws that govern what they can and cannot
do with the information they hold.
Most organisations will have procedures in place around the usage of the internet and it is essential that all staff are aware of the policies and the rationale behind the policies.
Legal Issues
Any information that is published or sent online carries the same laws as printed information. It is this reason organisations must carefully consider the implications of making information available over the internet. The five laws below are the most relevant laws to organisations publishing any information on the internet.
- Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007Copyright Act 1994Official Information Act 1982Privacy Act 1993Protected Disclosure Act 2000
Unsolicited Electronic Message Act 2007
The Unsolicited
Electronic Message Act is to prohibit organisations sending spam from or within New Zealand.
What is spam?
In legal terms spam is 'unsolicited commercial electronic messages'. The following criteria defines a message is spam.
- Electronic - includes mail, instant messaging, SMS, multimedia message services, other mobile phone messaging.Commercial - includes messages which market or promote goods, services or direct a recipient to a place where a commercial transaction can
take place (eg an e-store) etc.Unsolicited - a message which is sent without the consent of the recipient.
Spam is responsible for blocking email, slowing down the internet and creating great irritation for internet users. It is estimated that there is 120 billion spam messages sent every day worldwide. As a result of this organisations face the cost of installing and maintaining anti-spam software.
Steps for ensuring compliance with the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act
Make sure you have consent to send the messages
Consent can be explicitly given, for example this could come in the form of a tick box on a website that gives permission to receiving information about products and services.
Consent can be inferred, for example is purchasing software, it is reasonable to infer that you would want to hear about updates or issues with the software.
Consent can be deemed to be given, for example if you publish contact details it is deemed that you are willing to accept information.
Clearly Identify Yourself
Organisations need to ensure that they clearly identify themselves, this can be with your official logo and organisation name.
Include an unsubscribe facility
The potential message recipient must be given the option to unsubscribe to the electronic messages. This means that they can cancel the messages from being sent to them.
For further information on the Unsolicited Messages Act 2007, visit this website: Unsolicited Messages Act 2007
Copyright Act 1994
The Copyright Act 1994 set out the rights and restrictions around the copying of information in New Zealand. Copyright literally means 'the right to copy', any original work which is created, published or performed is subject to copyright. The creator, be it an organisation or an individual, has exclusive rights to reproduce, scan, record, tải về and or store, publish, distribute, perform and adapt their work. In most cases the creator of the work is the owner and copyright holder, the exceptions to this are:
- When an employee creates a work for their employer, the copyright belongs to the employer.When any work is commissioned or paid for by a second party, the copyright belongs to the party who paid for the work to be created.
In New Zealand any original work is covered by copyright even if it not displaying the copyright symbol as shown to
the right.
In the example of computer software, producers often apply Copyright Notices or Licences that limits the use of the software to one computer and prevents the copy of the software. For example Microsoft Office 2010 has end user licences limiting the number of computers it can be installed on. The consequences of breaking Copyright law can be severe - up to 5 years in jail or a fine of $150,000. In the sự kiện of breach of Copyright, managing directors or
business owners can be held responsible.
More information can be found on this website: Copyright Act 1994
Official Information Act 1982
The Official Information Act governs the disclosure of official information to the public, including individuals and organisations. This does not include the disclosure of information between governmental agencies or departments.
Official information refers to information held by:
- Ministers of the CrownCentral government
departments/organisations and state owned enterprises The PoliceCity, district or regional councilsSchool board of trusties, universities or polytechnicsPublic health authorities
Organisations that hold official information need to be aware that individuals have the right to access:
- Certain official informationThe reasons for decisions
affecting themThe internal rules of an organisation (eg policies, principles, rules, or guidelines) which affect decisions made by them
More information can be found on this website: Official Information Act 1982
Privacy Act 1993
The Privacy Act identifies the framework that establishes when and why information about businesses and individuals can be collected and released.
The Act consists of privacy principles that giảm giá with the following:
- How to collect the information.What the information may be used for.When you are allowed to disclose (ie let others have access to) the information.How you store information and the procedures you
need to have it secured.How long you can keep the information.The need to keep the information complete, up-to-date and accurate before you use it.Correcting the information if it is wrong.Allowing the person whose information you have to access the information.
Further information can be found on this website: Information Privacy Principles
Protected Disclosures Act 2000
The Protected Disclosure Act was created to promote trust and protection within organisations. This prevents an employee from being dismissed or punished for disclosing serious wrongdoing within or by the organisation. Issues that arise in an organisation must first be dealt with in the
organisation. If matters cannot be resolved then external mediators will be called in to help.
More information can be found this website: Protected Disclosure Act 2000
Download and print the file below and complete the exercise.
Using the Internet to Access Information
Search Engines
If you don't know a web address or unable to guess it you can use a search engine to find a webpage. A search engine can be used to search for a topic or keywords. A search engine is a website that is designed to search for other web pages. By entering in the right keywords to search for, you can find information on just about everything.
Search engines can be country specific or international. They way to identify these is simple.
National Search Engines, will often have the company type and country its hosted as shown to the right:
International Search Engines, will often appear with .com the end of the URL
There are many different search engine websites available. Here are some examples:
Search Engine
Search New Zealand
Click on the Web address's above to go to the search engine website.
Google is one of the most popular search engines in New Zealand and around the world. The term google has become so widely used it is now recognised in everyday language to mean "search the internet". The image below left is a screenshot of what Google's homepage looks like.
The search returns a list of links to web pages that relate to your search topic, ordered from most relevant to least relevant. The main page also includes links that allow the user to search for images, group discussions, and news stories or to perform an advanced search. Click on the Play button to watch the video on search tricks and tips.
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Google trang chủ Page
Google Search Tips & Tricks
Google Image Search
The google image search tool is the fastest way to search for images of any sort, you can then save them to your computer, use as a computer desktop background and more. Watch the video on how to use google image search.
Advanced Google Search
Advanced searching allows you to get the most relevant results from your search, by adding in more criteria to your search this removes web page results that do not contain all variables you are wanting. Watch the video on advanced searches.
Boolean Searching
Almost all search engines support the use of Boolean operators, AND, OR and NOT. Watch the video on how to use Boolean operators.
Meta Search Engines
A meta-search engine is a search tool that sends user requests to several other search engines and/or databases and aggregates the results into a single list or displays them according to their source. Metasearch engines enable users to enter search criteria once and access several search engines simultaneously. Metasearch engines operate on the premise that the Web is too large for any one
search engine to index it all and that more comprehensive search results can be obtained by combining the results from several search engines. This also may save the user from having to use multiple search engines separately.
Collating and presenting information from a search
Collation of information is the way you put information you have gained from a search together. This can be essential when it comes time to present the information. Collation means to sort information in a logical and legible format. When it is time to present your information there are a wide variety of different formats in which you can present information from the internet:
- Printed in hard copyHyperlinked into an E-Mail
Many websites are wider than the standard A4 page, this can lead to problems when coming to print a website. Some web designers anticipate this issue and change the
readable format so the page automatically adjusts to fit an A4 page. Other websites have print buttons you must click to make the website reformat to fit A4 and other websites don't have either of these options so it is advised to preview the web page in print preview before printing.
Saving a Webpage
Saving webpages is the same as saving documents and photos.
- Open your webpage in Internet Explorer
Click on File
Click Save As
Select where you wish to save the webpage
Click Save
Print preview and printing pages
Click on File on your menu bar
Click on Print Preview (you will be given a preview of the web page)
If there is information that is missing in the preview view you will need to adjust the margins of the page.
Click on Page Setup and adjust the
Download and print the file below and complete the exercise.
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