Review Which of the following has not been identified as a harmful consequence of ageism? quizlet
Thủ Thuật Hướng dẫn Which of the following has not been identified as a harmful consequence of ageism? quizlet Mới Nhất
Lê Minh Sơn đang tìm kiếm từ khóa Which of the following has not been identified as a harmful consequence of ageism? quizlet được Cập Nhật vào lúc : 2022-10-25 18:12:06 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Mẹo về trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết Mới Nhất. Nếu sau khi Read nội dung bài viết vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comments ở cuối bài để Ad lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.Nội dung chính Show
- What are the typical effects of ageism quizlet?How does ageism impact the elderly?What are the 5 tasks of self care that are important to independent living and help to identify signs of frailty called?What percentage of those over the age of 65 in the United States report that they are virtually deaf?

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Ageism is prejudice where people are categorized and judged based on their age.
Studies show that: Health can suffer as a result of stereotypes. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Seniors who view aging as primarily positive live 7.5 years longer than seniors who view aging as primarily negative. That seems to me some motivation to view aging more positively.
Ageism is the idea that age determines whom a person is and
therefore that people should "act their age." Ageism leads to stereotypes and restrictions, especially harming those who are old. Such attitudes may seem benevolent, but that is still prejudice. People may not recognize their own ageism when they infantilize the elderly, as if they were children ("so cute!, " "second childhood"), but their words do harm. ageism A prejudice whereby people are categorized and judged solely on the basis of their chronological age.
Ageism becomes a
self-fulfilling prophecy, a prediction that comes true because people believe it. There are three harmful consequences: If younger adults treat older people as if they are frail and confused, that treatment itself makes the elderly become more dependent. If professionals believe that the norms for young adults should apply to everyone, they may try to make older people behave as younger adults do. If they fail, they give up. 1530 THINK CRITICALLY: Why do many people contemplate aging with sorrow
rather than joy? If older adults themselves focus on what they have lost instead of what they have gained, they lose the joy of old age. One sign of ageism is believing that you, yourself, are in better health, with sharper memories and more happiness, than other people your age. Consider the logic: If most people say they are younger than average, then the average is not really average. That reflects ageism.
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disease with multiple things going on in the brain. There is a rapid buildup of a protein called beta-amyloid. The buildup of this protein causes plaques and tangles to occur in the brain which makes it extremely difficult for the brain to function. The neural message simply can't get to where it needs to go. Neurons or nerve cells die. There is also an imbalance of acetylcholine. The levels are too low.
Alzheimer's is a type of dementia. Dementia is an umbrella term for diseases of cognitive impairment. The dementias include:
Alzheimer's is associated with aging. We see it more in the aging population. This doesn't mean it is part of the aging process. It is not like "okay, I'm getting older—my hair is getting greyer, my skin is getting thinner, my butt is sagging. Next will be Alzheimer's" All the rest of those things might happen—greyer hair, thinner skin, and a sagging butt, but Alzheimer's is not part of that progression.
While we see it primarily in the older adult population, it is not only a later life disease. While about 90% of all Alzheimer's disease cases are found in individuals in late adulthood, 10% are not. This 10% is what is called early-onset Alzheimer's. Early-onset Alzheimer's occurs in individuals younger than 65. We see the onset is earlier, the disease moves faster, and the genetics are stronger.
While the primary symptom is memory loss. There is also mental and physical decline.
We use the term retrogenesis to describe the decline both
mentally and physically. The term retrogenesis means back to birth.
The DSM-5 now describes neurocognitive disorders as either major (previously called dementia) or mild (previously called mild cognitive impairment). Mild cognitive impairment sometimes—but not certainly not always—precedes a neurocognitive disorder
Memory problems occur in every cognitive disorder, although some people with NCDs have other notable symptoms, such as in judgment (they do foolish things) and moods (they are suddenly fearful or full of rage). The line between typical age-related changes, mild disorder, and major disorder is not clear, and symptoms vary depending on the specifics of both brain loss and context. Even when the disorder is major, the individual remains unique. Many scientists seek biological indicators (called biomarkers, such as in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid) or brain indicators (as on brain scans) that predict major memory loss. None of these is completely accurate.
A study of people already diagnosed with the major neurocognitive disorder (major NCD) found much lower rates, about 8 percent of the aged population (Koller & Bynum, 2014). major neurocognitive disorder (major NCD) Irreversible loss of intellectual functioning caused by organic brain damage or disease. Formerly called dementia, major NCD becomes more common with age, but it is abnormal and pathological even in the very old.
Palliative care is care designed to relieve pain and suffering and thus, improve the quality of life. It can take place in the home, in hospitals, or in hospice situations. Palliative care can be a wide range of things from yoga or breathing exercise to powerful drugs.
Click on the link in your PowerPoint for a continued discussion of palliative care.
One piece of palliative care is the use of powerful drugs to control pain. For instance, a person with terminal lung cancer may be tremendous pain, and powerful drugs are used to relieve the pain. It should be noted that there can be a double effect of using powerful drugs. The double effect is that certain drugs, such as opiates relieve pain and they slow breathing. One effect is pain relief. The second or double effect is slowing breathing. Slowing breathing can hasten or bring on death quicker. Thus, a double effect.
Palliative care is not the same as hospice care, although palliative care becomes a part of hospice care.
Medical treatment designed primarily to provide physical and emotional comfort to the dying patient and guidance to his or her loved ones.
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